Thursday, 25 March 2021

Annunciation Thoughts

 Annunciation thoughts...

Feast of the Annunciation today or as it was known at one time Ladymas day, (Our Lady’s Mass day):

This is our true Spring day, when the Winter dark and cold of selfishness and sin yields to the green shoot of Mary's total yes to God. The whole cosmos pauses and stills to listen for the answer to the Angel as God makes Himself dependent on a young girl's faith. All graces come to us through Mary's consent including the author of grace who today allows the loving attentive stillness of a woman to change our destiny forever.

A girl becomes the Theotokos: the Mother of God, and in and through Mary we become His brothers and sisters.

Just as the Father willed we would receive the Son through the Mother at the time of the Incarnation in history, so we receive the Son in every moment through the Mother now. Nowhere is this more visibly seen than in His Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. For the One who said, this is my Body, this is my Blood willed to receive both the Body and the Blood we adore and receive from His Mother. So it follows that if we receive Christ into our life in prayer, thought, or Holy Communion, then knowingly or unknowingly, we receive Him through Mary, whose womb was the first tabernacle of the Most High and the Ark of the New Covenant. 

As the old verse put it so beautifully:

Maid that wed Divinity.

Clay that shaped Infinity.

Lady of the Trinity

Keep me in your heart.

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