Tuesday 5 April 2016

The Four Inner Directions of the Contemplative Stance:

The contemplative stands still and breathes in the present moment at the junction of four inner directions: meaning, purpose, intention and attention:

When purpose is joined with meaning it becomes service.
When meaning is joined with purpose it becomes transformation.

When attention is joined to intention every moment becomes filled with meaning.
When intention is joined to attention
all of life becomes filled with purpose.

When attention is joined to the breath then
the breath invites mindful awareness.
When intention is joined to the breath then the breath becomes prayer.

For the fullness of prayer let attention and intention be joined in the awareness of the breath as the place where we encounter Divine in-breathing.

For the fullness of life let meaning and purpose be joined in the awareness of the present moment as the place of Divine Encounter.

When meaning and purpose are lived in each moment with attention and intention then we become aware that Divine Love is present in this moment and we are changed, transformed in the fire of His Love into His likeness.

For us then, in each moment, anchored in the stillness and stability of our breathing...
Our intention is to become like Christ in each moment.
Our attention is on Christ in each moment.
Our purpose is to work with Christ in each moment
Our meaning is in Christ in each moment and in eternity; for Christ is God, and God IS Love...