Tuesday 16 February 2021

Why do we eat pancakes today?

Why do we eat Pancakes today? 

Read on and find out...

Today is Shrove Tuesday, the day before the Holy Season of Lent which begins with Ash Wednesday tomorrow...

Traditionally the Lenten fast of 40 days was the strictest on the Christian Calendar and for those who were obliged to fast this meant abstaining from meat, animal fat, flour and even, in some cases, dairy products, for the weekdays of Lent. (Monday-Saturday)

So as to make sure that such substances would not be around the house to tempt people away from their fasting the house was “Shriven”, that is cleansed from all of these food items for the week before Lent, from which we get the custom of Spring Cleaning. The people would then eat the last of the flour, milk, butter and eggs today in the form of a pancake. And that is why we eat Pancakes today!

So as you enjoy your pancakes and maybe even do a bit of Spring Cleaning...ask yourself what will I be fasting from this Lent and prepare yourself for the spiritual spring cleaning or shriving it brings!

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