Sunday, 20 March 2016

Palm Sunday Ponderings: Entering the Sanctuary of Silence this Holy Week

Palm Sunday Ponderings...
The Holy Week begins...
The Sanctuary waits in silence...
Clothed in purple and palm it stone-stands in stillness
for the first acts of the Divine drama
soon to be played out upon its steps,
as time touches the eternal Now
and sister Moon's cycle signals
the annual encounter with the deep remembrance of redemption's blooded blessing...
Here in sacred time, we are called to trace, to encounter once again,
the Sacred Mystery of Divine Love poured out for humanity.
In this holiest of weeks, 
clothed in the wedding garments 
of symbol and song, 
of liturgy and light, 
the Eternal Action of the Word made Flesh 
inter-penetrates history, 
heals the sin-sundered cosmos, 
and grace weds humanity to divinity once again...
Leave aside Lenten longing...
Be ready to live 

in the in-between of these blessed days 
begin with Hosanna 
and end in 
and whose 
still centre 
is the cosmic silence 
that follows the last 
healing breath 
the Blessed One...

Blessings to you and yours this Holiest of Weeks...

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