Meditation for St. John's Eve:
A place of prayer, poetry and hopefully peace all in and through the Franciscan tradition
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Meditation for St. John’s Eve
Sunday, 20 June 2021
Meditation for Midsummer’s Eve
I post this for Midsummer’s Eve each year and each year it seems more true for all of us… the blessing is in the paradox!
The Paradox of Presence;
a Meditation for Midsummer's Eve
Here I am Lord;
I am a passing shadow
I am a breath on the edge of being
I am a body of dust and ashes
I am a child of earth
I am from nothing
I am only ever almost
I am a ripple in the pool of life
I am a whisper in the silence
I am lost in time
I am unfulfilled yearning
I am a distorted reflection
I am delusion
I am desire
I am for now
And yet,
Here I am Lord;
I am made in your image
I am growing into your likeness
I am an idea in the Divine mind
I am called forth from nothingness
I am an exhalation of love
I am a child of God
I am an eternal soul
I am a word spoken by the Word
I am the temple of the Divine
I am from Being itself
I am called by name
I am held in being by Love
I am interpenetrated by light
I am sustained by pure attention
I am healed by Divine Compassion
I am redeemed by Mercy
I am for eternity
And so, I answer once again
caught in the pain of paradox,
on this point between the
shortest night
and the longest day:
Here I am Lord;
To be light in the shadows
To be your breath of love
To be the place where Being heals being
To be the moment where time touches Eternity
To be the voice who speaks the word into the silence
To be the torch aflame in the darkness
To be the temple of Divine encounter
To be the emptiness without absence
To be the call to compassion
To be the wound that heals
To be the child of heaven and the child of earth
To be in time and dwell in eternity
To live my I am in the I AM
To lose all so as to find all in you.
Here I am Lord;
journeying from nothing to something
journeying from darkness to light
journeying from emptiness to fullness
journeying from something to no-thingness
journeying from light to light so bright it blinds and darkens my still too earthly sight
journeying from fullness to emptiness of being...
Here I am Lord;
a pilgrim on this paradox path
lost and found
and lost again
but with faith in the finding always...
and on this night of edges and shadows and barely there darkness
I surrender to the
silence of the Word
and simply say with open hands and
broken heart,
Saturday, 19 June 2021
Holding on to the beads
Saturday Thoughts: hold on to the beads.
These are Rosaries that were made by Catholic prisoners in Nazi concentration camps.
They made them from bread and thread from their clothes.
They made them from bread.
They were starving and they gave up their tiny rations of bread to make the beads.
They were freezing and they took threads from their clothes.
They made Rosaries knowing that to be found with them meant a beating, torture or even death.
But they held on to the beads.
They held on because they knew that to hold on to the beads is to hold on to the hand of the Mother.
They held on knowing that not even the power of hell can cut the cords of love between the Blessed Mother and her people.
They held on to the beads knowing she was with them in her pain and in her sorrow and that she would be with them always.
They held on to the beads when Mass was impossible and the Church looked like it would never live again.
They held on to the beads as a witness to the power of faith, of hope and of love to light the darkest of times.
They held on to the beads and their testimony speaks to us down the ages.
Whatever you are going through… hold on to the beads…
Your Mother is holding on to you.
Thursday, 17 June 2021
Waking up. Beginning Again. Being in the Now
Time to wake up... again… and again…
Now is always
the time
to wake up.
Do well and
will wake to
deep down,
past the chaos,
past the sin,
past the pain,
past the wounds,
past the brokenness,
at the deepest part there
at the very is-ness of it
all is beautiful,
all is ok,
all is well,
all is held in being
by Love...
and then,
waking up to
marvellous and
you will find
to your
unfailing wonder
all is
Chaos becomes peace,
sin is forgiven,
pain is relieved,
wounds are healed,
and the broken is
made whole again
in Divine Love's
For there is
nothing and
no one
outside of that
of being
moment by moment
from Love’s
If we live from that
from that
whole and holy place,
in stillness,
we shall
that all is well
all manner of things
wake up,
Monday, 14 June 2021
Shadows: a reflection
Sunday, 13 June 2021
St. Anthony of Padua
Reflection for the Feast of St. Anthony
Saturday, 12 June 2021
Feast of the Immaculate Heart
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary:
We may say the Incarnation first took place in Mary's heart, before it took place in her womb, for her heart, the centre of her being, was that place that had, from the first moment of her existence, been the tabernacle of the Most High and the place in which dwelt the Holy Spirit so fully that the Angel could name her full of Grace. It was from her heart that Mary assented to the request of the Angel and it was with the heart of a mother that she conceived and bore her Son, and it was her heart, united to her Son's sacred heart, that participated in His sacrifice on behalf of humankind.
It is Mary who in her loving acceptance of the Angel's message gave Jesus the gift of our humanity... The Sacred Heart was formed in the Womb of His Mother out of the Loving "Yes" of her Immaculate Heart.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
As Mother Teresa used to pray,
"O Mary, give me your Heart: so beautiful, so pure, so immaculate; your Heart so full of love and humility that I may be able to receive Jesus in the Bread of Life and love Him as you love Him and serve Him in the distressing guise of the poor."
Friday, 11 June 2021
Sacred Heart
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus;
Today is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: the Feast of Divine Love made manifest in time. In preparation for the Feast I've been using the following meditation by the great mystic and monk Thomas Merton which you may like to pray with...
Blessings to all +
O Great God, Father of all things, whose infinite light is darkness to me, whose immensity is to me as the void, You have called me forth out of yourself because You love me in yourself, and I am a transient expression of Your inexhaustible and eternal reality. I could not know You, I would be lost in this darkness, I would fall away from you into this void, if you did not hold me to yourself in the heart of Your only begotten Son.
Father, I love You whom I do not know, and I embrace You whom I do not see, and I abandon myself to You whom I have offended, because You love in me Your only begotten Son. You see Him in me, You embrace Him in me, because He has willed to identify Himself completely with me by that love which brought Him to death, for me, on the Cross.
I come to You like Jacob in the garments of Esau, that is in the merits and the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. And You, Father, who have willed to be as though blind in the darkness of this great mystery which is the revelation of Your love, pass Your hands over my head and bless me as Your only Son. You have willed to see me only in Him, but in willing this You have willed to see me more really as I am. For the sinful self is not my real self, it is not the self You have wanted for me, only the self that I have wanted for myself. And I no longer want this false self. But now Father, I come to You in Your own Son’s self, for it His Sacred Heart that has taken possession of me and destroyed my sins and it is He who presents me to You. And where? In the sanctuary of His own Heart, which is your palace and the temple where the saints adore You in Heaven.
From Thoughts in Solitude
Thomas Merton
Sunday, 6 June 2021
A Franciscan Litany for Corpus Christi
An old one (from 2014) for the day that's in it:
A Franciscan litany for Corpus Christi :
The feast of the Body & Blood of the Lord.
Sacrament of the Poverty of God:
Make us poor from the giving of ourselves
Sacrament of the Emptiness of God:
Empty us of ourselves that we may be filled
Sacrament of the Littleness of God:
Make us know our smallness in joy
Sacrament of the Silence of God:
Invite us to dwell in your silence always
Sacrament of the goodness of God in creation:
Make us reverent before You in all your creatures.
Sacrament of the mercy of God:
Make us merciful to all and to ourselves
Sacrament of the invisible God:
Teach us to seek your presence always
Sacrament of the marriage feast:
Invite us into the embrace of infinite love
Sacrament of Remembrance:
Teach us to remember You always
Sacrament of the Humility of God:
Teach us the way of humility.
Sacrament of the Real Presence:
Teach us to be really present to our brothers and sisters in their need.
Mary our mother,
vestment of God,
and first tabernacle of the Most High,
teach us the way of silent love,
the deepest contemplation,
and the opening of the heart
as a dwelling place for God.
Thursday, 3 June 2021
For St. Kevin of Glendalough
For St. Kevin of Glendalough
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
The Surfacing of Summer
In gratitude for peaceful Summer evenings...
The Surfacing of Summer:
At last,
the tide of Summer
And the land,
like a great grey whale,
sudden surfacing
from the deep of
winter's waters
into sunshine's seas
feels the waves
of warmth,
white tipped with
tree blossom
call her
into blessed breaching
and joyous
Singing her wild
whale song
of summer in every
form of
she charms us
who chase
and spouts
the fragrance
of the
Summer Kingdom into
that remember a
once lost
and longed for,
and now,
lovingly draws
in each
of love's
Basking in
she becomes the
Summer Isle,
on which we shivering
pitch up and
while white birds
above her in blue
and lift our souls
to the stillness
of stars
in a summer's
night sky,
offering their
ordered dance
above the
of mountaintop flukes,
with the golden
of last
light's touch
of love.
Tuesday, 1 June 2021
June; the month of the Sacred Heart
A poem of old remembrances as we enter June, the month of the Sacred Heart:
Sacred Heart
I remember still,
with the sharp light
of a child's knowing of newness,
my Gran's bedroom.
Spartan, yet equipped with things
of a quality we do not have
in many places now.
Long used.
Meant to last.
Her carved bed seemed enormous to us
as we flung ourselves onto its satin spread,
sliding across it to thump,
on the hard floor.
A mirror, a brush, a comb, all laid out
upon the dresser as carefully
as a surgeon's tools,
heavy and cold to the touch,
but glowing with the warm barley sugar
inner light of polished tortoise shell.
An old clock that worked, sometimes,
its numerals glowing in the dark
a faded ghost green.
And there, upon the dresser too
he stood, in stone stillness.
Flaking slightly, but still royal
in his red robe, revealing the love
that is at the heart of all things.
He seemed huge to my small hands.
I would climb onto the bed beside her
as she whispered her prayers
in his direction;
she would hand him to me then
and he would sit comfortably
upon my knees,
as I, entranced, traced the thorns
entwining his poor heart,
and tried to pull them out;
feeling his heart a flame,
a fire for me, for her, for all!
I would whisper to him then,
my childish news and secrets
and I remember (can you believe it?)
sometimes, he whispered back
words of such love
they exist now only as
scattered shards of light
within my own heart's memories.
There and then I promised, I would
one day, pull out those thorns.
Gran smiled when I told her this
"Maybe you will", she said toothlessly,
the liturgy of dentures coming after prayers
in the morning's ritual,
"But maybe you'll put another thorn or two
in there too;
don't worry, we all do from time to time,
but never forget He loves you still!" she said,
smiling sadly at my stricken face.
Then I kissed him hard, as children do,
and made the foolish promise
of a child to ease his heart a little.
A promise I confess I have yet to fulfil,
though no shortage of thorns
have I added to his crown.
Devotions done she restored him to his place
upon the dresser,
and I, sliding off the bed,
now thought only of the day before us:
of buses into town, bookshops,
and Bewley's cafe!
Then we went downstairs
to breakfast on tea and toast,
always, me going first,
she coming behind,
her breath,
her voice as one,
whistling upon each step,
the background music
of her life;
"Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I place all my trust
in Thee."