Thursday 24 December 2020

The Wild Nativity

 The Wild Nativity.

We have our prophecies too
you know!
We tell our own tales, 
and so we knew 
to gather there 
that night,
ambassadors of our 
varied kinds all. 
Before old Joseph 
came back
with supplies from the inn
we were there, 
hidden in the hay,
up amongst the old beams, 
resting by the manger, 
or drawn there 
by the new star 
that rose that night 
pure and shining 
like a snowflake 
in its light. 
We were there.
We had felt the 
old pull of Eden
in our furred and feathered hearts
and felt His long forgotten nearness 
once again who walked with us 
in golden evening light.
Old rivalries forgotten,
or at least put aside tonight, 
we sat peacefully 
in storied rank 
half hidden in the shadows, 
lost in awe at her, 
so still 
in the straw, 
her eyes closed 
as though present 
to a mystery 
We were there 
waiting for Him
with her.
Let us prepare 
His place we said...
Wren moved first, 
to pluck her own breast
scattering the softest down 
amongst the rough straw 
and sparrows followed
weaving moss and herbs 
as mattress 
as Owl, and old Crow 
and Hawk directed.
"I will keep him warm", 
said Robin,
reddening his breast 
while fanning flame alight.
"We will sing to him 
when at last He comes"
said the little ones, 
four footed and furred 
and long tailed too,
piping in their tiny voices 
choiring high as mouse 
and vole, rabbit
and hedgehog all 
assembled there, 
followed by fox's clear tenor 
and Badger's earthy baritone 
to sing their 
benediction of 
wild welcome.
And then he came.
How? As sun shines sudden through a cloud breaking blindingly!
How? As the first rays of dawn mark that moment when night becomes a new day.
How? As a scenting nose is suddenly aware of a change in the air.
He came.
More than that we will not say.
Ours alone was that privilege to see and we will guard it down the ages...
And Mary looked upon us with love
and thanked us all
and in her smile and words 
we heard old Eve laugh 
at last again.
And then there was noise, 
and people, 
so many people,
and we withdrew
as we always do
to the shadows
But not before He smiled at us
a smile of long recognition
graced and grateful
After the shepherds left,
and their piping drumming din
went off amongst the crowds.
After Bethlehem finally became still.
After old Joseph nodded off 
to his Angeled dreams.
We were there 
and came forth again 
from the shadows
to dwell with them, 
our new Adam and Eve, 
and heard then 
our Gospel 
preached to us, 
who are already 
of His kingdom 
and always were.
We made our covenant 
with Him then,
to be the first apostles 
of His love
and in 
our being blessed
and shared with you
to remind you 
of the innocence 
you lost
and He renews 
if you would but follow 
wild way to
Eden's light
We have been 
forgotten now
as shepherds, kings 
and crowds
but not by Him,
who from his mother's arms
smiled past them all at us
hiding in the shadows
And we would later
meet Him
in the desert 
and the garden,
we will be with Him 
for we have 
our prophecies too 
you know,
and tell our tales 
to each other
across the woods 
and hills,
on this night 
each year
as you toll your bells
and sing,
we look to the skies

Christmas Blessings to you and yours this Holy Night +

(Pic is of The Christmas Star by Lynn Bywaters)

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