Wednesday 26 May 2021

For the May Full Flower Moon tonight

 The May Full Flower Blood Super Moon tonight so this one calls me....

The Path of Lady Moon.

Will you take 

the old path 


the Moon?

The path 

of poetry 

and prayer;

of myth, 

and magic,

of beauty, 

and blessing,

known only to 


and mages,

and mystics,

and mothers,

and those who 

keep the vigil

of the long small hours?

Will you sit 



golden benediction

and receive her gift of 


as you watch her dissolve 

into emptiness 


Will you let her 

teach you,

and all upon

this heart harried Earth, 

to trust

in Resurrection?

Will you bask 

in her 

pure light,

that invites 

you across 

the ocean of dream

to read 

the sacred circles 

of her 

graced Gospel

inscribed by angelic art

upon her

pale pure visage,

long before 

she smiled upon 

those sleeping spouses,

newly named,

and vigilled Eden's first 

dew drenched dawn?

Will you allow 

her light

to illume your life 

with the

silent music

of the forest


vested in deepest


and filigreed

in silver, 

the leaves dance in

the liturgy

of life and offer 


praise in whispered


Will you let her shining


wash you in their tides

and beckon you 

to walk upon

the waves from 

storm to still,

as once she shone 

upon His face

and lit His way upon 

the waters?

Will you take 

the old path of 

the Moon,

and touch there the holy 


of the Mother 

and the Maiden

and the Queen,

whose orb she proudly is,

in royal resplendence

hung beneath her 

mantled might

and starry crown,

and find


there of 

all that is

and was 

and will be,

in the embrace 

of a mother

and her


as the first 

gift of grace.

Look up and see

my brother,

Look up and see

my sister,

the soul sky is never 

so dark,


the old path of the Moon,

the path of blessing,

always ancient 

and ever new,

may not 

be taken


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