Thursday 1 August 2024

A poem for Lughnasadh and Lammas Night

A poem for the ancient feasts of Lughnasadh, (Lunasa) and Lammas that mark the liminal time of Summer yielding to Autumn’s first fiery touch…. 

Lughnasadh night

The hay has all been saved.

The wheat and grain are gathered in,

stacked in stooks across 

the night silvered fields,

still ringing with the sound of song,

the drum of dance,

and graced and grateful voices 

raised in harvest thanks. 

The holy wells are dressed in flower form,

while vesper bells are rung 

and old pilgrim feet take to the hills 

to bless the land anew 

awaiting dawn in stillness.

While down amongst the berry bushes,

the songs of youth are sung 

and purple sweetness tasted on the lips 

in valleys where now

the air has the feel of thunder, 

the keen edge and promise of rain 

that has not come yet, but wants to.

So the Moon, the Lady’s lamp, appears between the curtains of the clouds,

and the ancestors and keepers of the land draw close, feeling the first 

autumnal thinning of the veils.

Now the Lammas loaves lie 

cooling on the sill,

awaiting benediction’s gentle fall

as blessed and broken they will become 

the covenant promise of a faithèd fullness, 

to ward against the bite and blight 

of winter’s empty song,

as He, who is the true Sun 

by which we see all light,

is Himself our first fruits promise,

of that last and longed for harvest 

when we shall at evening’s coming 

put down our tools,

and enter into barns ourselves 

to share the bread of Angels,

blessed in our very brokenness,

our emptiness at last made full,

our ever dancing steps 

now leaving only 

prints of light.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Moon Bathing

 Moon Bathing

Moon Bathing 

Last night,

on the eve of the summer solstice,

my sister, the Lady Moon,

came dancing down the sky

to bathe her pale white 

reflection in the round pool

upon the hill, in the dark woods,

before the old monastery,

while none but I watched.

Woken from sleep 

in the deep night,

I came to the window weary

and wondering why

I had been summoned

from the sacred steps 

leading to the gates of horn?

But now I gazed 

breathless, and

beheld the beauty of 

a land illumined, changed,

silvered by the waxing 

Moon looking lovingly

upon the hills, the trees, 

the waters. 

She, lending them her light,

itself a loan, though made her own,

mirrored and magical by mystic 

alchemy, now embraced the land 

and silvered and softened her in filigree

appearing like fishscale glinting 

up from some dark water’s wave.

I watched a while then, 

as across the silent land of night 

her white light walked, blessing 

all it touched with beauty unknown

to all the sleepers resting in their beds.

Until at last she found the old pool 

and seemed to rest there a while.

Playing in its fountained waters 

as falling drops became white diamonds,

she filled the pool with liquid light

charging the waters once again with love,

as by the light of grace 

a soul arises from 

the dark of spirit’s night

and finds again the 

gift of life appearing 

at the very darkest moment,

when all seems lost,

for mercy comes always, gentle 

as moonlight upon the waters, 

disturbing nothing, yet 

rendering all anew in beauty 

ready for Sun’s appearing.

Last night,

on the eve of the summer solstice

my sister, the Lady Moon,

came dancing down the sky

to bathe her pale white 

reflection in the round pool

upon the hill, in the dark woods,

before the old monastery,

while none but I watched

and I am ever grateful for 

the wonder of being woken,

for the blessing of it all.

Monday 27 May 2024

A Storm of Starlings

 Starling Shower

Rain came with the flower moon, 
presaged by a deluge of starlings
into the cloister garden,
falling like chattery stars 
they festooned the old cherry trees
only lately leafed and now blossoming birds.
Where and how they came 
we do not know,
but welcomed their 
electric shock of arrival 
and the throaty whistle of their calls 
as a surge of wild energy exulting 
on the edge of Summer storms,
like schoolchildren at term’s end.
Raucous and rowdy, even the robins
retreated before their squabbling,
sparking from iridescent wings 
shook over shoulders that jerk
along in time with their staccato steps.
They have birthed wonder anew 
these sudden garrulous guests,
reminding us of the joy 
that comes from summer laughter, 
from cocking an ironic glinting eye 
at life from time to time,
and living with a gusto
that erupts in flight at grace’s 
sudden swift appearing, 
unknown and even unasked for from above.
Oh we thank these rough and tumble gangsters of the sky for however long
they make our garden home,
before the ancient call sounds along
their hollow bones and makes them
sun seekers once again 
and storm warnings,
leaving us their life lessons 
on a murmuring cloud,
in the glitter-glint of a starling’s eye.

Thursday 16 November 2023

Somewhere a Light

 Somewhere a Light

There is 

always light,



is always 


by light.

After all,

you wouldn’t 

even know 

what darkness 


if light 

did not 


its ragged 




even in 

the darkest 


fire burns,

light is 



are lit,

and minds 

and hearts

are illumined

by grace,

making lives 


like gilded letters 


the text 

of everyday 


in our 


flickered passing


the ever after


of peace.

Monday 6 November 2023

Stair Flights

 Stair Flights

Lately, I have been thinking

of the sheer ridiculous 

goodness of stairs.

Does that seem strange?

But, consider a moment 

the generous way in which 

they hold our weight

and allow a slow motion flight

up or down.

How, over centuries, 

we have come to know

the perfect height

and depth each step should be

for no fall or slip to take place,

but by our own distracted error.

How they connect places and planes

of different existence and different times.

How they allow passage.

How they are often our best image 

of birth, and death, and daily 

beckon restwards.

How they were places of play

and places of peace,

making themselves into seats 

and even slides,

when wanted.

I think of tiny spiral ones, tightly wound

in turrets and towers,

and the grand staircases of ancient houses,

to say nothing of the ones haunted

by memories, and perhaps by

more than memory,

and I am amazed again

at the casual way we climb,

so often not noticing 

the holding of our body

the leaning of each step towards us

the blessing of bannisters

the etiquette of ascension,

the sacramentality of stairs.

Don’t even get me started

on doors.

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Red Apples

 Red apples

I want to write a poem today
That falls upon the mind
Like the autumn sunshine
Falling on this page and 
Giving a sudden sharpness 
To the ink,
To the fibre of the paper, 
Such that a smooth page 
Is now,
A landscape of detail.
Such that a single letter 
Is now mountainous 
In its meaning.
I want to write a poem today 
That silvers the shadowed 
Corners of the mind
Like the harvest moon shining 
In the window at night, 
Large and lovely in the sky,
Making your room 
An unfamiliar forest that 
Appears only in
Your midnight waking.
I want to write a poem today
As warm as the red 
Of apples in the old
White bowl upon 
The kitchen counter.
Fiery jewels, juice filled and 
Garnered from garden
Seeming to hold 
Summer’s essence 
In sphere form.
I want to write a poem today
Flaming like an autumn bonfire,
That licks lazily at 
the secret senses of the soul
And illumines the 
Hearth of the heart 
With flickers and sparks 
Of faithlight kindled.
But how can I write 
When the world itself 
Seems to be aflame?
When the chaos of war erupts 
Again, and again, and again.
When violence screams
So loud in language 
Of hatred and pain.
When the sufferers are 
Silenced and the listeners 
So deadened and deafened 
In their overwhelm 
They weep now only dust.
When the terror tells its lies
In every tongue and we 
Fall back again and again 
Into the dance of death 
That separates and sunders and sins by 
Seeing the child, the woman, the man
As other than brother or sister of
My own blessed being and cries out
Against the simple song of 
Now, of love, of peace, that
Our souls were always meant to sing.
So how to sit with 
Meaning in the midst of madness?
I do not know.
Except to name the beauty that
Still blesses and sing the bounty of the 
Moment that is always graced. 
And try to cultivate the peace
Of Soul that slowly kindles
Kindness in all the hearts around.
Ever beginning anew, ever offering
A new beginning to all
Who see ending only through
Their weeping eyes.
And all the while to cry out
For every voice now silenced
To give the dead their due 
And offer prayer for all, 
With all, that soon
A ceasefire of sacred stillness 
May arise around the world.
That after storm, and fire, 
And earthquake, there may be 
A moment for us all to breathe 
At last and most of all for those
Whose hearts hate has consumed 
And who consume the souls 
Of others in their hate,
That they may stop
And drop their guns and guard;
Hearing at last the sacred sound
Of divine breathing, our common
Song of inter-being, then,
Seeing in each other’s eye their 
Own reflection returned and know 
In sacred sight of soul
Their own brother, their own sister 
Revealed at last, again
In the shocking clarity
Of repentant tears.
So perhaps, so perhaps,
I will write a poem after all 
That sings of peace 
and of the sacred
Power of ordinary things
And the divine light 
In which they bathe,
And from which they come.
To remind us all
Of common being
Of blessing and of
A graced present now,
And now, and now,
Abiding and ever calling
Us to begin again
Beyond the path
Of pain we travel tired
And so cry out 
The kingdom to
A world weary of weeping;
That in every choice 
In every moment 
Another way is possible
Of joy and grace,
Of warm red apples 
In a white bowl
Waiting for our gaze to 
Liven them into love
Made visible once again,
Signposts of soul
Guiding our feet into the 
Way of peace.