Friday 5 March 2021

Meditation for the second Friday of Lent: The Mystery of the Heart

 Meditation for the second Friday of Lent; 

the mystery of the Heart.

On the Fridays of Lent we meditate on the mystery of the Cross of Christ as the revelation of God's Infinite Love and Mercy.

At the center of the Cross we find the heart.

In Christian (and Jewish) spirituality the noetic centre, the centre and totality of all you are as an individual, as a person, the centre of your soul, is referred to as the "heart". 

It is the heart that loves, forgives, wills and contemplates and this centre of life, personhood and love is often identified in the physical body with the heart organ and so the journey of the Spiritual Life was often spoken of as the journey of the mind into the heart there to find the presence of God dwelling at its centre.

At the centre of the Cross we find a heart, but not just any heart, we find the Sacred Heart of Jesus... a human heart yes, a heart that existed in time, that was formed in the womb of His mother and there began to beat, a heart that pumped life's blood and a heart that felt all of the strains of human life until the last breath, the breath upon the Cross, a breath of Love freely surrendered to the Father. A heart that after death was pierced through and poured out on the world the twin streams of blood and water, of mercy and grace. The two streams that to this day pour into the world constantly through the Church. A heart that lay wounded, cold and still in the grave for three days until Easter Dawn... 

Our God has a heart... a human heart that knows our weakness and our pain, even the pain of death.

Our God has a heart... a Sacred Heart filled with infinite Love and Mercy for each of us. 

His risen Heart beats with love for you, is on fire with love for you....

At the centre of the Cross we find the Christ.

At the centre of the Christ we find the heart.

At the centre of our own heart we find His Sacred Heart, 

dwelling within us and holding us in being through Love.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in thee...

Let this be your prayer these Lenten Fridays...

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