Monday 7 December 2020

Winter Sun


Winter Sun

You may have 

your languid summer skies,

all blue and cloudless, 

they are beautiful,

in their own way, 

I grant you.

But give me instead 

the sharp ferocity 

of a Winter dawn

flashing as a sword,

fleeting as the fast 

glimpse of fox fire 

between trees,

the quick conflagration 

that pierces darkness 

and hallows day,

and falls 


dragging hearts,

and land,

and love,


Sung skywards

with the mighty 

choir of those 


who lean forward

out of darkness

as lines are defined 

in sharp shock

of brother Sun's first 

frosted touch.


Give me a winter sky,

a dawn divine,

an advent promise of

light beyond the dark

where every tree,

Illumed and stretching,

writes a gospel 

upon golden air,

and the hidden holy 

is seen as breath 

upon the icy breeze

announcing in 

whispered wisps

He came, 

He comes, 

will come again

like sun blast, 

sun burst, 

sun rise

of a winter's dawn.

(Some Pics of winter dawns from various locations over the years)

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